we are

Leaders in Financial markets Trading

Who we are

Nisean is an international investment trading firm committed to delivering outstanding results for its clients by adhering exclusively to mathematical and statistical approaches.

Supervised Machine Learning

With the help of supervised machine learning model, the predicted uptrend or downtrend of Forex rate help traders to make the right decision.

Automated AI Trading System

Using the best AI investment strategies to help traders target above-average profits over in the forex market.

Predictive Analysis

Process of utilizing data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the prospect of future outcomes based on historical data.

Supervised machine learning

The exchange rate of each money pair can be predicted by using machine learning algorithm during classification process. With the help of supervised machine learning model, the predicted uptrend or downtrend of Forex rate might help traders to have right decision on Forex transactions.

supervised machine learning

The exchange rate of each money pair can be predicted by using machine learning algorithm during classification process. With the help of supervised machine learning model, the predicted uptrend or downtrend of FoRex rate might help traders to have right decision on FoRex transactions.

Automated AI Trading System

We have developed a powerful automated AI trading system, which is able to make projections about the forecast of forex market prices and automatically invest for you in your broker account. It is the most efficient, simple, safe, and affordable way to invest money and trade forex.

Predctive Analysis

Predictive analytics refers to the process of utilizing data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the prospect of future outcomes based on historical data. This includes identifying personalized consumer recommendations for the next item to purchase, predicting which customers are in danger of churning out of your subscriber base and optimizing supply chain management by predicting spikes in demand.

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